Source code for autonamedtuple_demo

# Examples from

# stdlib
import collections
from typing import NamedTuple

__all__ = ["Animal", "Employee", "Movie"]

[docs]class Animal(NamedTuple): """ An animal. :param name: The name of the animal. :param voice: The animal's voice. """ name: str voice: str
[docs]class Employee(NamedTuple): """ Represents an employee. :param id: The employee's ID number """ #: The employee's name name: str id: int = 3
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<Employee {}, id={}>'
[docs] def is_executive(self) -> bool: """ Returns whether the employee is an executive. Executives have ID numbers < 10. """
[docs]class Movie(NamedTuple): """ Represents a movie. """ #: The name of the movie. name: str #: The movie's release year. year: int based_on: str
class Foo(NamedTuple): """ A Namedtuple :param a: An integer :param str b: A string :param str c: """ #: An integer (another doc) a: int b: str #: C's doc c: str class NoDocstring(NamedTuple): #: An integer a: int b: str #: C's doc c: str Traditional = collections.namedtuple("Traditional", "a, b, c") Traditional.__doc__ = "A traditional Namedtuple" class CustomisedNew(collections.namedtuple("CustomisedNew", "a, b, c")): def __new__(cls, values: str): return super().__new__(*values.split())