Source code for sphinx_toolbox.more_autodoc.typehints

#!/usr/bin/env python3
| Enhanced version of `sphinx-autodoc-typehints <>`_.
| Copyright (c) Alex Grönholm

The changes are:

* *None* is formatted as :py:obj:`None` and not ``None``.
  If `intersphinx <>`_
  is used this will now be a link to the Python documentation.

  Since :github:pull:`154 <agronholm/sphinx-autodoc-typehints>` this feature is now available upstream.

* If the signature of the object cannot be read, the signature provided by Sphinx will be used
  rather than raising an error.

  This usually occurs for methods of builtin types.

* :class:`typing.TypeVar`\s are linked to if they have been included in the documentation.

* If a function/method argument has a :class:`module <types.ModuleType>`, :class:`class <typing.Type>`
  or :py:obj:`function <types.FunctionType>` object as its default value a better
  representation will be shown in the signature.

  For example:

	.. autofunction:: sphinx_toolbox.more_autodoc.typehints.serialise

  Previously this would have shown the full path to the source file. Now it displays ``<module 'json'>``.

* The ability to hook into the :func:`~.process_docstring` function to edit the object's properties before the
  annotations are added to the docstring.

  This is used by `attr-utils <>`_
  to add annotations based on converter functions in `attrs <>`_ classes.

  To use this, in your extension's ``setup`` function:

  .. code-block:: python

      def setup(app: Sphinx) -> Dict[str, Any]:
          from sphinx_toolbox.more_autodoc.typehints import docstring_hooks
          docstring_hooks.append((my_hook, 75))
          return {}

  ``my_hook`` is a function that takes the object being documented as its only argument
  and returns that object after modification. The ``75`` is the priority of the hook:

   * ``< 20`` runs before ``fget`` functions are extracted from properties
   * ``< 90`` runs before ``__new__`` functions are extracted from :class:`~typing.NamedTuple`\s.
   * ``< 100`` runs before ``__init__`` functions are extracted from classes.

* Unresolved forward references are handled better.

* Many of the built in types from the :mod:`types` module are now formatted and linked to correctly.


.. versionadded:: 0.4.0
.. versionchanged:: 0.6.0  Moved from :mod:`sphinx_toolbox.autodoc_typehints`.
.. versionchanged:: 0.8.0  Added support for :func:`collections.namedtuple`.


.. extensions:: sphinx_toolbox.more_autodoc.typehints

.. latex:vspace:: -20px

| For configuration information see
| In addition, the following configuration value is added by this extension:

.. latex:vspace:: -20px

.. confval:: hide_none_rtype
	:type: :class:`bool`
	:default: :py:obj:`False`

	Hides return types of :py:obj:`None`.

API Reference

"""  # noqa: SXL001
#  Copyright (c) Alex Grönholm
#  Changes copyright © 2020-2021 Dominic Davis-Foster <>
#  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
#  of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
#  in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
#  to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
#  copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
#  furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
#  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
#  copies or substantial portions of the Software.

# stdlib
import inspect
import itertools
import json
import operator
import re
import sys
import types
from contextlib import suppress
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from types import FunctionType, ModuleType
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Callable, Dict, List, NewType, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, get_type_hints

# 3rd party
from domdf_python_tools.stringlist import DelimitedList

if sys.version_info < (3, 7, 4):  # pragma: no cover (py37+)
	# stdlib
	from typing import _ForwardRef as ForwardRef  # type: ignore
else:  # pragma: no cover (<py37)
	from typing import ForwardRef  # type: ignore

# 3rd party
import sphinx_autodoc_typehints
from domdf_python_tools.typing import (
from domdf_python_tools.utils import etc
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
from sphinx.errors import ExtensionError
from sphinx.util.inspect import signature as Signature
from sphinx.util.inspect import stringify_signature

# this package
from sphinx_toolbox.utils import (

	# 3rd party
	import attr
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
	# attrs is used in a way that it is only required in situations
	# where it is available to import, so it is fine to do this.

	# 3rd party
	from sphinx_autodoc_typehints import logger as sat_logger  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
	from sphinx_autodoc_typehints import pydata_annotations  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
except ImportError:
	# Privatised in 1.14.1
	# 3rd party
	from sphinx_autodoc_typehints import _LOGGER as sat_logger
	from sphinx_autodoc_typehints import _PYDATA_ANNOTATIONS as pydata_annotations

	# 3rd party
	from sphinx_autodoc_typehints import _future_annotations_imported
except ImportError:

	def _future_annotations_imported(obj: Any) -> bool:
		if sys.version_info < (3, 7):  # pragma: no cover (py37+)
			# Only Python ≥ 3.7 supports PEP563.
			return False

		_annotations = getattr(inspect.getmodule(obj), "annotations", None)
		if _annotations is None:
			return False

		# Make sure that annotations is imported from __future__ - defined in cpython/Lib/
		# annotations become strings at runtime
		CO_FUTURE_ANNOTATIONS = 0x100000 if sys.version_info[0:2] == (3, 7) else 0x1000000
		return _annotations.compiler_flag == CO_FUTURE_ANNOTATIONS

__all__ = [

get_annotation_module = sphinx_autodoc_typehints.get_annotation_module
get_annotation_class_name = sphinx_autodoc_typehints.get_annotation_class_name
get_annotation_args = sphinx_autodoc_typehints.get_annotation_args
backfill_type_hints = sphinx_autodoc_typehints.backfill_type_hints
load_args = sphinx_autodoc_typehints.load_args
split_type_comment_args = sphinx_autodoc_typehints.split_type_comment_args
builder_ready = sphinx_autodoc_typehints.builder_ready

# Demonstration of module default argument in signature
[docs]def serialise(obj: Any, library=json) -> str: """ Serialise an object into a JSON string. :param obj: The object to serialise. :param library: The JSON library to use. :no-default library: :return: The JSON string. """
[docs]class ObjectAlias: """ Used to represent a module, class, function etc in a Sphinx function/class signature. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 :param name: The name of the object being aliased. """ _alias_type: str def __init__(self, name: str): str = name
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Returns a string representation of the :class:`~.ObjectAlias`. """ return f"<{self._alias_type} {!r}>"
[docs]class Module(ObjectAlias): """ Used to represent a module in a Sphinx function/class signature. :param name: The name of the module. """ _alias_type = "module"
[docs]class Function(ObjectAlias): """ Used to represent a function in a Sphinx function/class signature. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 :param name: The name of the function. """ _alias_type = "function"
[docs]class Class(ObjectAlias): """ Used to represent a class in a Sphinx function/class signature. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 :param name: The name of the class. """ _alias_type = "class"
[docs]def format_annotation(annotation, fully_qualified: bool = False) -> str: """ Format a type annotation. :param annotation: :param fully_qualified: Whether the fully qualified name should be shown (e.g. ``typing.List``) or only the object name (e.g. ``List``). :rtype: .. versionchanged:: 2.13.0 Added support for :py:obj:`True` and :py:obj:`False` """ prefix = '' if fully_qualified else '~' # Special cases if annotation is None or annotation is type(None): # noqa: E721 return ":py:obj:`None`" elif isinstance(annotation, bool): return f":py:obj:`{annotation}`" elif annotation is Ellipsis: return "..." elif annotation is itertools.cycle: return f":func:`{prefix}itertools.cycle`" elif annotation is types.GetSetDescriptorType: # noqa: E721 return f":py:data:`{prefix}types.GetSetDescriptorType`" elif annotation is types.MemberDescriptorType: # noqa: E721 return f":py:data:`{prefix}types.MemberDescriptorType`" elif annotation is types.MappingProxyType: # noqa: E721 return f":py:class:`{prefix}types.MappingProxyType`" elif annotation is types.ModuleType: # noqa: E721 return f":py:class:`{prefix}types.ModuleType`" elif annotation is types.FunctionType: # noqa: E721 return f":py:data:`{prefix}types.FunctionType`" elif annotation is types.BuiltinFunctionType: # noqa: E721 return f":py:data:`{prefix}types.BuiltinFunctionType`" elif annotation is types.MethodType: # noqa: E721 return f":py:data:`{prefix}types.MethodType`" elif annotation is MethodDescriptorType: return f":py:data:`{prefix}types.MethodDescriptorType`" elif annotation is ClassMethodDescriptorType: return f":py:data:`{prefix}types.ClassMethodDescriptorType`" elif annotation is MethodWrapperType: return f":py:data:`{prefix}types.MethodWrapperType`" elif annotation is WrapperDescriptorType: return f":py:data:`{prefix}types.WrapperDescriptorType`" elif isinstance(annotation, ForwardRef): # Unresolved forward ref return f":py:obj:`{prefix}.{annotation.__forward_arg__}`" elif annotation is type(re.compile('')): # noqa: E721 return f":py:class:`{prefix}typing.Pattern`" elif annotation is TemporaryDirectory: return f":py:obj:`{prefix}tempfile.TemporaryDirectory`" elif sys.version_info >= (3, 10): # pragma: no cover (<py310) if annotation is types.UnionType: # noqa: E721 return f":py:data:`{prefix}types.UnionType`" try: module = get_annotation_module(annotation) class_name = get_annotation_class_name(annotation, module) # Special case for typing.NewType being a class in 3.10 # Fixed upstream in 1.13.0 if sys.version_info >= (3, 10) and isinstance(annotation, NewType): # pragma: no cover (<py310) module, class_name = "typing", "NewType" args = get_annotation_args(annotation, module, class_name) except ValueError: return f":py:obj:`~.{annotation}`" if module == "_io": module = "io" elif module == "_ast": module = "ast" # Redirect all typing_extensions types to the stdlib typing module elif module == "typing_extensions": module = "typing" full_name = (f"{module}.{class_name}") if module != "builtins" else class_name prefix = '' if fully_qualified or full_name == class_name else '~' role = "data" if class_name in pydata_annotations else "class" args_format = "\\[{}]" formatted_args = '' # Type variables are also handled specially with suppress(TypeError): if isinstance(annotation, TypeVar) and annotation is not AnyStr: if sys.version_info < (3, 7): # pragma: no cover (py37)+ typevar_name = annotation.__name__ else: # pragma: no cover (<py37) typevar_name = (annotation.__module__ + '.' + annotation.__name__) return f":py:data:`{repr(annotation)} <{typevar_name}>`" # Some types require special handling if full_name == "typing.NewType": args_format = f"\\(:py:data:`~{annotation.__name__}`, {{}})" role = "class" if sys.version_info > (3, 10) else "func" elif full_name in {"typing.Union", "types.UnionType"} and len(args) == 2 and type(None) in args: full_name = "typing.Optional" elif full_name == "types.UnionType": full_name = "typing.Union" role = "data" elif full_name == "typing.Callable" and args and args[0] is not ...: formatted_args = "\\[\\[" + ", ".join(format_annotation(arg) for arg in args[:-1]) + ']' formatted_args += ", " + format_annotation(args[-1]) + ']' elif full_name == "typing.Literal": # TODO: Enums? formatted_arg_list: DelimitedList[str] = DelimitedList() for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, bool): formatted_arg_list.append(format_annotation(arg)) else: formatted_arg_list.append(code_repr(arg)) formatted_args = f"\\[{formatted_arg_list:, }]" if full_name == "typing.Optional": args = tuple(x for x in args if x is not type(None)) # noqa: E721 # TODO: unions with one or more forward refs if args and not formatted_args: formatted_args = args_format.format(", ".join(format_annotation(arg, fully_qualified) for arg in args)) return f":py:{role}:`{prefix}{full_name}`{formatted_args}"
#: Type hint for default preprocessor functions. Preprocessor = Callable[[Type], Any] default_preprocessors: List[Tuple[Callable[[Type], bool], Preprocessor]] = [ (lambda d: isinstance(d, ModuleType), lambda d: Module(d.__name__)), (lambda d: isinstance(d, FunctionType), lambda d: Function(d.__name__)), (inspect.isclass, lambda d: Class(d.__name__)), (lambda d: d is Ellipsis, lambda d: etc), (lambda d: d == "...", lambda d: etc), ] """ A list of 2-element tuples, comprising a function to check the default value against and a preprocessor to pass the function to if True. """ def preprocess_function_defaults(obj: Callable) -> Tuple[Optional[inspect.Signature], List[inspect.Parameter]]: """ Pre-processes the default values for the arguments of a function. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 :param obj: The function. :return: The function signature and a list of arguments/parameters. """ try: signature = Signature(inspect.unwrap(obj)) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover return None, [] parameters = [] for param in signature.parameters.values(): default = param.default if default is not inspect.Parameter.empty: for check, preprocessor in default_preprocessors: if check(default): default = preprocessor(default) break parameters.append(param.replace(annotation=inspect.Parameter.empty, default=default)) return signature, parameters def preprocess_class_defaults( obj: Callable ) -> Tuple[Optional[Callable], Optional[inspect.Signature], List[inspect.Parameter]]: """ Pre-processes the default values for the arguments of a class. .. versionadded:: 0.8.0 :param obj: The class. :return: The class signature and a list of arguments/parameters. """ init = getattr(obj, "__init__", getattr(obj, "__new__", None)) if is_namedtuple(obj): init = getattr(obj, "__new__") try: signature = Signature(inspect.unwrap(init)) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover return init, None, [] parameters = [] for argname, param in signature.parameters.items(): default = param.default if default is not inspect.Parameter.empty: for check, preprocessor in default_preprocessors: if check(default): default = preprocessor(default) break else: if hasattr(obj, "__attrs_attrs__") and default is attr.NOTHING: # Special casing for attrs classes for value in obj.__attrs_attrs__: # type: ignore if == argname and isinstance(value.default, attr.Factory): # type: ignore default = value.default.factory() parameters.append(param.replace(annotation=inspect.Parameter.empty, default=default)) return init, signature, parameters
[docs]def process_signature( app: Sphinx, what: str, name: str, obj, options, signature, return_annotation: Any, ) -> Optional[Tuple[str, None]]: """ Process the signature for a function/method. :param app: The Sphinx application. :param what: :param name: The name of the object being documented. :param obj: The object being documented. :param options: Mapping of autodoc options to values. :param signature: :param return_annotation: :rtype: .. versionchanged:: 0.8.0 Added support for factory function default values in attrs classes. """ if not callable(obj): return None original_obj = obj if inspect.isclass(obj): obj, signature, parameters = preprocess_class_defaults(obj) else: signature, parameters = preprocess_function_defaults(obj) obj = inspect.unwrap(obj) if not getattr(obj, "__annotations__", None): return None # The generated dataclass __init__() and class are weird and need extra checks # This helper function operates on the generated class and methods # of a dataclass, not an instantiated dataclass object. As such, # it cannot be replaced by a call to `dataclasses.is_dataclass()`. def _is_dataclass(name: str, what: str, qualname: str) -> bool: if what == "method" and name.endswith(".__init__"): # generated __init__() return True if what == "class" and qualname.endswith(".__init__"): # generated class return True return False # The generated dataclass __init__() is weird and needs the second condition if ( hasattr(obj, "__qualname__") and "<locals>" in obj.__qualname__ and not _is_dataclass(name, what, obj.__qualname__) ): sat_logger.warning( "Cannot treat a function defined as a local function: '%s' (use @functools.wraps)", name ) return None if parameters: if inspect.isclass(original_obj) or (what == "method" and name.endswith(".__init__")): del parameters[0] elif what == "method": try: outer = inspect.getmodule(obj) if outer is not None: for clsname in obj.__qualname__.split('.')[:-1]: outer = getattr(outer, clsname) except AttributeError: outer = None method_name = obj.__name__ if method_name.startswith("__") and not method_name.endswith("__"): # If the method starts with double underscore (dunder) # Python applies mangling so we need to prepend the class name. # This doesn't happen if it always ends with double underscore. class_name = obj.__qualname__.split('.')[-2] method_name = f"_{class_name}{method_name}" if outer is not None: method_object = outer.__dict__[method_name] if outer else obj if not isinstance(method_object, (classmethod, staticmethod)): del parameters[0] else: if not inspect.ismethod(obj) and parameters[0].name in {"self", "cls", "_cls"}: del parameters[0] signature = signature.replace(parameters=parameters, return_annotation=inspect.Signature.empty) return stringify_signature(signature), None # .replace('\\', '\\\\')
def _docstring_property_hook(obj: Any) -> Callable: if isinstance(obj, property): obj = obj.fget return obj def _docstring_class_hook(obj: Any) -> Callable: if callable(obj): if inspect.isclass(obj): obj = getattr(obj, "__init__") return obj def _docstring_namedtuple_hook(obj: Any) -> Callable: if is_namedtuple(obj): obj = getattr(obj, "__new__") return obj docstring_hooks: List[Tuple[Callable[[Any], Callable], int]] = [ (_docstring_property_hook, 20), (_docstring_namedtuple_hook, 90), (_docstring_class_hook, 100), ] """ List of additional hooks to run in :func:`~sphinx_toolbox.more_autodoc.typehints.process_docstring`. Each entry in the list consists of: * a function that takes the object being documented as its only argument and returns that object after modification. * a number giving the priority of the hook, in ascending order. * ``< 20`` runs before ``fget`` functions are extracted from properties * ``< 90`` runs before ``__new__`` functions are extracted from :class:`NamedTuples <typing.NamedTuple>`. * ``< 100`` runs before ``__init__`` functions are extracted from classes. """
[docs]def process_docstring( app: Sphinx, what: str, name: str, obj: Any, options: Dict[str, Any], lines: List[str], ) -> None: """ Process the docstring of a class, function, method etc. :param app: The Sphinx application. :param what: :param name: The name of the object being documented. :param obj: The object being documented. :param options: Mapping of autodoc options to values. :param lines: List of strings representing the current contents of the docstring. .. versionchanged:: 1.1.0 An empty ``:rtype:`` flag can be used to control the position of the return type annotation in the docstring. .. clearpage:: """ original_obj = obj for hook, priority in sorted(docstring_hooks, key=operator.itemgetter(1)): obj = hook(obj) if callable(obj): obj = inspect.unwrap(obj) type_hints = get_all_type_hints(obj, name, original_obj) for argname, annotation in type_hints.items(): if argname == "return": continue # this is handled separately later argname = escape_trailing__(argname) formatted_annotation = format_annotation( annotation, fully_qualified=app.config.typehints_fully_qualified, ) searchfor = [f":{field} {argname}:" for field in ("param", "parameter", "arg", "argument")] insert_index = None for i, line in enumerate(lines): if any(line.startswith(search_string) for search_string in searchfor): insert_index = i break if insert_index is None and app.config.always_document_param_types: lines.append(f":param {argname}:") insert_index = len(lines) if insert_index is not None: lines.insert(insert_index, f":type {argname}: {formatted_annotation}") if "return" in type_hints and not inspect.isclass(original_obj): # This avoids adding a return type for data class __init__ methods if what == "method" and name.endswith(".__init__"): return formatted_annotation = format_annotation( type_hints["return"], fully_qualified=app.config.typehints_fully_qualified, ) insert_index = len(lines) for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith(":rtype:"): if line[7:].strip(): insert_index = None else: insert_index = i lines.pop(i) break elif line.startswith(":return:") or line.startswith(":returns:"): insert_index = i if insert_index is not None and app.config.typehints_document_rtype: if insert_index == len(lines): # Ensure that :rtype: doesn't get joined with a paragraph of text, which # prevents it being interpreted. lines.append('') insert_index += 1 if not (formatted_annotation == ":py:obj:`None`" and app.config.hide_none_rtype): lines.insert(insert_index, f":rtype: {formatted_annotation}")
def _class_get_type_hints(obj, globalns=None, localns=None): """ Return type hints for an object. For classes, unlike :func:`typing.get_type_hints` this will attempt to use the global namespace of the modules where the class and its parents were defined until it can resolve all forward references. """ if not inspect.isclass(obj): return get_type_hints(obj, localns=localns, globalns=globalns) mro_stack = list(obj.__mro__) if localns is None: localns = {} while True: try: return get_type_hints(obj.__init__, localns=localns, globalns=globalns) except NameError: if not mro_stack: raise klasse = mro_stack.pop(0) if klasse is object or klasse.__module__ == "builtins": raise localns = {**sys.modules[klasse.__module__].__dict__, **localns}
[docs]def get_all_type_hints(obj: Any, name: str, original_obj) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Returns the resolved type hints for the given objects. :param obj: :param name: :param original_obj: The original object, before the class if ``obj`` is its ``__init__`` method. """ def log(exc): sat_logger.warning( 'Cannot resolve forward reference in type annotations of "%s": %s', name, exc, ) rv = {} try: if inspect.isclass(original_obj): rv = _class_get_type_hints(original_obj) else: rv = get_type_hints(obj) except (AttributeError, TypeError, RecursionError) as exc: # Introspecting a slot wrapper will raise TypeError, and some recursive type # definitions will cause a RecursionError ( # If one is using PEP563 annotations, Python will raise a (e.g.,) # TypeError("TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'type' and 'NoneType'") # on 'str | None', therefore we accept TypeErrors with that error message # if 'annotations' is imported from '__future__'. if isinstance(exc, TypeError): if _future_annotations_imported(obj) and "unsupported operand type" in str(exc): rv = obj.__annotations__ except NameError as exc: log(exc) rv = obj.__annotations__ if rv: return rv rv = backfill_type_hints(obj, name) try: if rv != {}: obj.__annotations__ = rv except (AttributeError, TypeError): return rv try: if inspect.isclass(original_obj): rv = _class_get_type_hints(original_obj) else: rv = get_type_hints(obj) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass except NameError as exc: log(exc) rv = obj.__annotations__ return rv
[docs]@metadata_add_version def setup(app: Sphinx) -> SphinxExtMetadata: """ Setup :mod:`sphinx_toolbox.more_autodoc.typehints`. :param app: The Sphinx application. """ if "sphinx_autodoc_typehints" in app.extensions: raise ExtensionError( "'sphinx_toolbox.more_autodoc.typehints' must be loaded before 'sphinx_autodoc_typehints'." ) sphinx_autodoc_typehints.format_annotation = format_annotation # type: ignore[assignment] sphinx_autodoc_typehints.process_signature = process_signature sphinx_autodoc_typehints.process_docstring = process_docstring # type: ignore[assignment] app.setup_extension("sphinx.ext.autodoc") app.setup_extension("sphinx_autodoc_typehints") app.add_config_value("hide_none_rtype", False, "env", [bool]) return {"parallel_read_safe": True}